Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My 5yr old st. bernard is loosing her hair and has red spots where she is losing hair she is digging

She has hot spots. You need to set up an appointment at your veterinarian. In the mean time do not allow her to aggravate the spots more. Do not let her scratch or lick the areas. The last thing you would want is for her to cause an infection.

My 5yr old st. bernard is loosing her hair and has red spots where she is losing hair she is digging spots?

I'm guessing she has allergies...

My 5yr old st. bernard is loosing her hair and has red spots where she is losing hair she is digging spots?

Fleas? Skin allergies? Hot spots? Get an appointment with her vet - they'll answer your question for you.

My 5yr old st. bernard is loosing her hair and has red spots where she is losing hair she is digging spots?

Could be egsima (spelling?) or at worst, mange (probably not). My guess would be allergies, but the best way to find out is to take him to the vet.

My 5yr old st. bernard is loosing her hair and has red spots where she is losing hair she is digging spots?

You should take your dog to the vet and have her examined. She could have mange or might be having an allergic reaction to something in her environment, or it could be something else. Either way, it does not sound normal and should be looked into.

My 5yr old st. bernard is loosing her hair and has red spots where she is losing hair she is digging spots?

r they round patches of red?if so cud b ringworm,if not mayb grass mites

My 5yr old st. bernard is loosing her hair and has red spots where she is losing hair she is digging spots?

Probably a flea allergy sometimes it just takes one. Use Advantage or frontline no powders, sprays, or collars they dont work and can cause problems with sensitive skin. No dips either :)

My 5yr old st. bernard is loosing her hair and has red spots where she is losing hair she is digging spots?

Sound like hot spots - are they kinda of weepy?

Trim the hair around them back a bit and use Vet"s Best

Hot Spot Spray. It has aloe, camomille, and tree tea oil.

The tree tea discourages further licking. They should start to dry up and heal fairly quickly. It is the best stuff I've ever used. If not, it may need a vet. You can give her a couple of benedryls to calm her down at night for bed if she is going to town on them. I give one or two 25mg to a 100 lb dog so you may need to up the dose. Very safe for dogs.

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